This webpage is outdated, I need to update it to showcase my current passion for frontend projects powered by React. Here is a quick summary: I am currently into native applications with React Native and Electron. My Electron apps tap into platform APIs with Nodes child_process API. I like to connect these desktop applications to the all browsers via the WebExtension framework. I do the same with React Native and it's native modules.
React Native
React Native
My Skills
- CSS 3
- HTML 5
- Git & GitHub
- Javascript
- MySQL, SQL, SQLite
- Notepad++
- Visual Basic 6.0 & VBA
- nsIWindowsMediatorService
- nsIPromptService
- nsIHttpChannel
- cTypes
- Bootstrap
- nsIZipWriter
- nsIXMLHttpRequest, nsIXMLHttpRequestEventTarget, & nsIJSXMLHttpRequest
- nsITimer
- prototype &
- jQuery
- Canvas
- RegExp
- Custom, Native, & CSS3 Events